Aurora Chasing: Joining Guided Tours to Find the Lights

Northern Lights

Robson Hatsukami Morgan (2019) [Photograph] Unsplash Imagine standing beneath the vast Arctic sky as ribbons of color undulate. This phenomenon, known as the Northern Lights or Aurora Borealis, is not just a light show. It’s one of nature’s most spectacular displays. I think everyone should experience it at least once. But here’s the catch: the … Read more

Aurora Guard: Essential Safety Tips for Northern Lights Viewing

Ken Cheung. (2021) the Northern Lights [Photograph]. Unsplash. I am mesmerized by the Northern Lights, an unearthly spectacle that graces the night skies above the polar regions. My fascination isn’t unique—viewing the aurora borealis is a bucket list experience for many. This phenomenon occurs when charged particles from the sun interact with the Earth’s magnetic … Read more

Capturing the Beauty of Northern Lights: A Complete Guide

Jonatan Pie. (2017) the Northern Lights [Photograph]. Unsplash. You’re in good company if you’re captivated by the Northern Lights. This celestial spectacle has mesmerized humans for millennia. But what exactly are the Northern Lights? Essentially, they are collisions between electrically charged particles from the sun that enter the Earth’s atmosphere. These collisions create vibrant, dancing … Read more

Painting the Sky with Masterful Northern Lights Photography

CharlVera. the Aurores polaires [Photograph]. Unsplash. I’ve always found the Northern Lights one of nature’s most captivating displays. To see them is to witness a dance of colors against the night sky, a performance that has held humans in awe for millennia. The pursuit to capture these lights, with shades ranging from green to purple, … Read more

Mastering Unpredictable Weather Conditions During Northern Lights Viewing

AI-generated image of northern lights. Note. Image generated with the prompt “Image of The Northern Lights” by Freepik, 2023 Imagine a winter wonderland bathed in the ethereal glow of emerald, crimson, and violet. The Northern Lights, also known as the Aurora Borealis, dance across the vast canvas of the Arctic sky, a celestial spectacle that … Read more